Important General Knowledge
Q 1: What is the Cross?
Ans: Cross is a religious symbol of Christians.
Q 2: Which battles are known as Crusades?
Ans: The battles fought between the Muslims and the European Christians.
Q 3: What was the first Qiblah (direction) of the Muslims?
Ans: Bait-ul-Muqaddis was the first Qiblah (direction) of the Muslims.
Q 4: When Bait-ul-MuQaddis was taken over from Christians?
Ans: Bait-ul-Muqaddis was taken over from Christians during the Caliphate of Hazrat Umar Farooq.
Q 5: What is the highest leader of Christians called?
Ans: The highest leader of Christians is called Pope.
Q 6: Name the greatest Muslim warrior general, who defeated the Christians in Crusad-Wars?
Ans: SuLtan Salah-ud-din Ayubi defeated Christian in Crusad-Wars.
Q 7. When the Crusade-Wars ended?
Ans: The Crusade-Wars ended after the death of Sultan Salah-ud-din Ayubi.
Q 8: When the Abbaside Caliphate was ended?
Ans: The Abbaside Caliphate was ended in 1258.
Q 9: Who ended the Abbaside Caliphate?
Ans: Caliphate was ended in by the Mongols.
Q 10: What is the meaning of Baghdad? Ans: The meaning of Baghdad is city of justice.
Q 11: Where is the tomb of Hazrat Hussain (RA) ?
Ans: Ans: In Karbala.
Q 12: In which country is Karbala situated?
Ans: In Iraq
Q .13 What was the old name of Iran?
Ans: Persia
Q. 14; From which word Iran is derived?
Ans: Iran is derived from Aryana.
Q 15. What is meaning of Iran?
Ans: The land of Aryans.
Q. 16: Which famous sea is situated in the North of Iran?
Ans: Caspian Sea.
Q 17: Which language is spoken in Iran?
Ans:Persian Language.
Q 18: When was a Portuguese sailor Vasco da Gama, reached the South Asian sea port, Calicut?
Ans: A Portuguese sailor Vasco da Gama reached the South Asian sea port, Calicut, in 1498.
Q 19: When British established East India Company?
Ans: British established East India Company in 1600 AD.
Q 20: From whom British obtained trade permits? Ans: British obtained trade permits from the Mughal emperors Jehangir and Shah Jehan.
Q 21: When British defeated Nawab Sirajuddaula?
Ans: British defeated Nawab Sirajuddaula in 1757 A.D.
Q 22: When did British occupy in Bengal?
Ans: British occupied in Bengal in 1757 AD.
Q 23: When Bihar and Orissa were occupied by British?
Ans. Bihar and Orissa were occupied by British in 1784 A.D.
Q 24: When Sindh was conquered by British?
Ans: Sindh was conquered by British in 1843.
Q 25: When Punjab was conquered by British?
Ans: Punjab was conquered by British in 1849.
Q626. When Tipu Sultan was martyred?
Ans: Tipu Sultan was martyred in 1799 AD.
Q 27: When War of Independence was fought?
Ans: War of Independence was fought in 1857.
Q 28: When did Malaysia get independence?
Ans: Malaysia got independence in 1957.
Q 29: What was the old name of Malaysia?
Ans: Old name of Malaysia was Malaya.
Q 30: When did Indonesia achieve independence?
Ans: Indonesia achieved independence in 1949.
Q 31: Which two Muslim countries located in South East Asia?
Ans: Indonesia and Malaysia located South East Asia.
Q 32 When did British recognize the Amir of Afghanistan in as independent sovereign?
Ans: British recognized ( lai) the Amir of Afghanistan in 1925as independent sovereign.
Q 33: When did Soviet Union start miitary intervention in Afghanistan?
Ans: Soviet Union started military intervention in Afghanistan 1979.
Q 34: When World Trade Centre of USA was destroyed?
Ans: The World Trade Centre of USA was destroyed in September 11, 2001.
Q 35: When the Iranian was relieved from the monopoly of the European capitalists?
Ans: The Iranian was relieved from the monopoly of the European capitalists, in 1925, under the leadeship of Raza Shah Pahlvi.
Q 36: When Shah of the Iran was compelled by the people to leave Iran?
Ans: Shah of the Iran was compelled by the people to leave Iran in 1979.
Q 37: When did British occupy in Syria?
Ans: British occupied Syria in 1916 AD.
Q. 38 When did Syria get independence from France?
Ans: Syria got independence from France on first January 1947 AD.
Q. 39: When Iraq was annexed to the Turkish Ottoman Caliphate?
Ans: Iraq was annexed to the Turkish Ottoman Caliphate in 1517.
Q 40: Which is the largest prize of the world?
Ans: The largest prize of the world is Nobel Prize.
Q 41: What is Hydrosphere?
Ans: Hydrosphere is water mass consists of oceans.seas.rivers and lakes.
Q. 42: What is Lithosphere?
Ans: Lithosphere is an outer surface and interior of the solid Earth.
Q 43: What is Atmosphere?
Ans: Atmosphere is a thick layer of gases around the surface of Earth.
Q 44: What is Biosphere? Ans: Biosphere is the surrounding where there life exists.
Q. 45: What is Continent? Ans: Continent is the large mass of land on the Earth.
Q. 46: What is Peninsula? Ans: Peninsula is a piece of land surrounded by water from the three sides.
Q 47: What is island ?
Ans: Island is a piece of land totally surrounded by water.
Q 48: What is Archipelago?
Ans: Archipelago is a group of islands.
Q 49: What is Desert?
Ans: Desert is a very dry area where plant growth is limited.
Q 50: What is Oasis?
Ans: Oasis is a green and fertile sport in a desert.
Q. 51: What is Plain?
Ans: Plain is a large area of flat land that generally rises less than 1000 feet.
Q 52: What is Plateau?
Ans: Plateau is a large land area that is high and generally flat and rises from 300 to 3000 feet above sea level.
Q. 53: What is Mountain? Ans: Mountain is a mass of very high rock that rises from about 2000 feet to more than 20,000 feet above sea level.
Q 54: What is Mountain range?
Ans: Mountain range is a row of mountains joined together.
Q 55: What is Mountain peak?
Ans: Mountain peak is the pointed top of a mountain.
Q 56: What is Volcano? Ans: Volcano is a hill or mountain which ejects heated liquid material from inside the Earth.
Q 57: What is Lava?
Ans: Lava is a hot liquid material which comes out from a volcano.
Q 58: What is Valley?
Ans: Valley is an area of low land between hills or mountain.
Q 59: What is Equator? Ans: Equator is the imaginary line that divides the globe into northern and southern hemisphere.
Q 60: What is Hot Belt?
Ans: Hot Belt is the hottest region of the Earth through which equator passes.
Q. 61: What is Latitudes? Ans: Latitudes on the globe of Earth the imaginary lines going round parallel with the equator.
Q 62: What is Longitudes?
Ans: Longitudes on the globe of Earth the lines going through the poles.
Q 63: What is Axis of Earth?
Ans: Axis of Earth is an imaginary line about which the Earth rotates.
Q 64: What is North Pole?
Ans: North Pole is the center of the Arctic Circle.
Q 65: What is South Pole?
Ans: South Pole is the center of the Antarctic Circle.
Q 66: What is Meridians? Ans: Meridians are the lines of longitude from the North Pole to the South Pole and all meridians are equal.
Q 67: What is Prime meridian or First?
Ans: Prime meridian or First meridian is O meridian.
Q 68: What are Polar Regions?
Ans: Polar Regions are the Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle.
Q 69: What is Tropic of cancer on the globe?
Ans: Tropic of cancer on the globe, the parallel of latitude at about 23.5 degrees North.
Q 70: What is Tropic of Capricorn on the globe?
Ans: Tropic of Capricorn on the globe, the parallel of latitude at about 23.5 degrees south.
Q 71: What is Northern Hemisphere?
Ans: Northern Hemisphere is an every place north of the equator.
Q 72: What is Southern Hemisphere?
Ans: Southern Hemisphere is an every place south of the equator.
Q. 73: What is Eastern Hemisphere?
Ans: Eastern Hemisphere is an every place east of prime meridian.
Q 74: What is Western Hemisphere?
Ans: Western Hemisphere is an every place west of prime meridian.
Q 75: What is Climate?
Ans: Climate is a long-term average of weather conditions.
Q 76 What is Weather?Ans: Weather is the day to day conditions temperature, rain fall, wind and humidity.
Q 77: What is Planet?Ans: Planet is a Non-luminous heav
Q 78: What is Star?
Ans: Star is luminous heavenly body.
Q 79: What is Satellite?
Ans: Satellite is a natural or artificial body revolving round the planet.
Q. 80: What is Sea?
Ans: Sea is the part of Ocean.
Q 81: What is Landlocked Country?
Ans: Landlocked Country is a country which does not share its borders with Sea or Ocean.
Q 82: What is Bay?
Ans. Bay is the part of Ocean, Sea or Lake that makes a wide cut into the land, usually smaller than gulf.
Q 83: What is Channel? Ans: Channel is wide waterway that connects two larger areas of water.
Q 84: What is Strait?
Ans: Strait is a narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water.
Q 85: What is Gulf?
Ans: Gulf is a part of a large body of water that extends into shoreline generally larger and more deeply intended than a bay.
Q 86: What is Coast?
Ans: Coast is the land area which is at the edge of the Sea.
Q 87: What is Lake?
Ans: Lake is a body of water surrounded by land.
Q 88: What is Cape?
Ans: Cape is a piece of land along a coast that extends out into the Sea.
Q 89: What is Tide?
Ans: Tide is a regular rise and fall in the level of the Sea, caused by the attraction of the Moon and the Sun.
Q 90: What is Wave?
Ans: Wave when wind blows, level of water starts rising up and down.
Q 91: What is Ocean?
Ans: Ocean Current when the seawater starts flowing from one place to another in the form of river.
Q 92: What is Dam?
Ans: Dam is a reservoir of water blocked by an artificial wall on the river for irrigation or generating electricity.
Q. 93:What is Tributary?
Ans: Tributary is a small river that flows into a large river.
Q 94: What is Canal? Ans: Canal is a water way built for irrigation or navigation.
Q 95: What is Basin?
Ans: Basin is the area of land drained by a river.
Q 96: What is Delta?
Ans: Delta is a stretch of land built up at rivers mouth the mud and sand brought down by the river.
Q 97: What is Glacier?
Ans: Glacier is a huge mass of ice formed by snow on high mountains moving slowly down a valley.
Q 98. What is Iceberg?
Ans: Iceberg is a large mass of glacier floating in the sea.
Q 99: What is Earthquake?
Ans: Earthquake is a violent and sudden movement of the Earth's crust.
Q 100: What is Seismology?
Ans: Seismology is the study of Earthquakes.
Q 101: What is Soil?
Ans: Soil is the land particles which are able to grow vegetation.
Q 102: What is Dew?
Ans: Dew is the little drops of water that form on grass or plants during the night.
Q 103: What is Fog?
Ans: Fog is the thick cloud water vapors close to the Earth's surface.
Q 104: What is Cyclone?
Ans: Cyclone is the wind blowing in spiral form from outward high pressure inward low pressure.
Q 105: What is Monsoon?
Ans: Monsoon winds are the seasonal winds which blow from ocean to land and sometimes from land to ocean.
Q 106: What is Universe?
Ans: Universe is the vast limitless space, containing planets, stars and other heavenly bodies.
Q 107: What is Hills?
Ans: Hills are lower than mountains and generally rise f about 500 to 2000 feet above sea level.
Q 108: Which is the longest coastal country of the world?
Ans: The longest coastal country of the wotld is Canada.
Q 109: Which is the greatest silver producing country of the world?
Ans: The greatest silver producing country of the world is Mexico.
Q 110: Which is the greatest coal producing country of the world?
Ans: The greatest coal producing country of the world is China.
Q 111: Which is the tallest buildirig of the world?
Ans: The tallest building of the world is Burj Khalifa.
Q 112: Which is the largest international organization of the world?
Ans: The largest international organization of the world is UNO.
Q 113: Which is the world's largest religion?
Ans: The world's largest religion is Christianity.
Q714: Which is the world's second largest religion?
Ans: The world's second largest religion is Islam.
Q 115: Which is the world's third largest religion?
Ans: The world's third largest religion is Hinduism.
Q 116: What is the total % of the world's population in Asia continent?
Ans: Asia is the 60% of the world's population.
Q 117: What is the total % of the world's population in Africa continent?
Ans: Africa is the 14% of the world's population.
Q 118: What is the total % of the world's population in Europe continent?
Ans: Europe is 11% of the world's population.
Q 119: What is the total % of the world's population in North America continent?
Ans: North America is 8% of the world's population.
Q 120: What is the total % of the world's population in South America continent?
Ans: South America is 5.3% of the world's population.
Q 121: What is the total % of the world's population in Australia continent?
Ans: Australia is 0.3% of the world's population.
Q 122 What is the China and India together % of the world's population?
Ans: China and India together are 40% of the world's population.
Q 123: What is the total Muslim population in the world?
Ans: The total Muslim population in the world is more than 1.57 billion.
Q 124: Where is emperor Zaheer-ud-din Babar buried at Kabul?
Ans: The emperor Zaheer-ud-din Babar is buried at Kabul.
Q 125: Who was Mamtaz Mahal?
Ans: Mamtaz Mahal was the beautiful wife of Shah Jahan.
Q 126: Who was Noor Jahan?
Ans: Noor Jahan was the beautiful wife of Jhangir.
Q 127: Which is the largest man-made canal in the world?
Ans: The largest man-made canal in the world is Suez Canal.
Q 128: Which highway connects Pakistan with China?
Ans: Karakoram highway connects Pakistan with China,
Q 129: Which is the second largest desert of the world?
Ans: The second largest desert of the worid is Gobi.
Q730: Where is the Gobi desert located?
Ans: The Gobi desert is located China.
Q 131: Which is the largest island of the world?
Ans: The largest island of the world is Greenland.
Q 132: Which is the smallest island of the world?
Ans: The smallest island of the world is Maldives.
Q 133: Which is the largest second longest river of the world?
Ans: The second longest river of the world is Amazon.
Q 134: Where is the Amazon River located? Ans: The Amazon River is located in South America.
Q 135: What is the length of the river Amazon?
Ans: The length of the river Amazon is 6400km.
Q 136: Which the country of with short coastline? Ans: The country with short coastline is Monaco.
Q 137: Which is the country with most active Volcanoes?
Ans: The country with most active Volcanoes is Indonesia.
Q 138: Which is the longest railway tunnel of the world?
Ans: The longest railway tunnel of the world is Seikan (Japan).
Q 139: Which is the biggest university of the world?
Ans: The biggest university of the world is the California University.
Q 140. Where is California University?
Ans: California University is in USA.
Q 141: Which is the second most spoken language of the World?
Ans: The second most spoken language of the World is Hindi.?
Q 142: Which is largest mosque of the world? Ans: The largest mosque of the world is the Masjid-A-Haram.
Q 143 Where is the Masjid-Al-Haram?
Ans: Masjid-Al-Haram is in Saudi Arab.
Q 144: When Sindh was conquered?
Ans: Sindh was conquered n the year 712 A.D.
Q 145: Who conquered Sindh?
Ans: Sindh was conquợred by Muhammad bin Qasim.
Q 146: Who was the first Indian national to embrace Islam?
Ans: The first Indian national to embrace Islam was the Raja Karanganoor.
Q 147: How many Castes were there in Hindu society?
Ans: There were four castes in Hindu society.
Q 148: What are the castes?
Ans: Brahmin, Khatri, Vaisha and Shudra.
Q 149: Which were the two upper class castes? Ans: Brahmin and Khatri were considered to be, the two upper class castes of the Hindu society.
Q 150: Who were Vaisha and Shudra?
Ans: They were non-Aryan, and they defeated local people.
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