NTS Past
Q 1. What is meant by Wahi?
And .Hidden message (Prophetic Experiences)
Q 2. What is the terminological meaning of Wahi?
Ans . Allah's message which He sent to his Prophets.
Q 3. What is the meaning of Prophet?
Q 4. What is the terminological mining of Nabi?
Ans. To whom Allah bless with Prophethood is called Nabi.
Q 5.What is the difference between Nabi and Rasool?
Ans. Rasool brings new Din whereas Nabi did not do so.
Q 6. Who was the first Prophet?
Ans. Hazrat Adam (A.S)
Q 7. If somebody after Muhammad (PBUH) claims for Prophethood, what will we say to him?
Ans. Kazzab (Liar)
Q 8.What was the source of Prophet's teaching? Ans. Wahi-e-Elahi.
Q 9. which Prophet Angels offered Sajda?
Ans. Hazrat Adam (A.S)
Q 10. Is the word Rasool also used for Angels?
Ans. No
Q 11. Write the names of four famous Angels.
Ans. Hazrat Gabriel, Hazrat Izraeel, Hazrat Israfiel, Hazrat Mekael
Q 12.Who is the two ministers Muhammad (PBUH) at sky?
Ans. Hazrat Gabriel, Hazrat Mekael
Q 13. What is the duty of Hazrat Gabriel?
Ans. To convey Allah's message to Nabi.(Brought the revelation from Allah to Prophet).
Q 14. What is the duty of Hazrat Izraeel?
Ans. To capture Rooh. (He is called the angel of death)
Ans. (Malaki Maut)
Q 15. What is the duty of Hazrat Mekael?
Ans. To manage rains and eatings for creature.
Q 16.What is the duty of Hazrat Israfiel?
And . To blow Soor. (Israfiel will blow the trumpet at the end of the world on the day of Judgement)
Q 17. Name four Holy Books.
Ans. Torat, Zaboor, Injeel and Holy Quran.
Q 18.To which Prophet Zaboor belonged?
Ans. Hazrat Dawood.
Q 19. Which book belonged to Hazrat Musa?
Ans. Torat.
Q 20. To which Prophet Injeel belonged?
And . Hazrat Essa (A.S)
Q 21.In Torat by which name Muhammad (PBUH) were called?
And . Tayyab.
( NTST Past Papers..
*SECTION-I (English)*
Q 1. Choose the word with correct spelling in the following options
(A) Tusday
*(B) Tuesdey*
(C) Tueasday
(D) Tuesday
Q 2. (A) perchaze
(C) purchaise
(D) parchaze
Q 3. *(A)finalise*
(B) phinalise
(C) finelise
(D) fainalise
Q 4. (A) windoew
(B) vindow.
*(C) window*
(D) windo
Q 5. (A) champiou
*(B) champion*
(C) champion
(D) chempion
Q 6. *(A) language*
(B) lenguaj
(C) languaj
(D) language
Choose the correct part of specch for the underlined words in the following sentences
Q 7. She is offering prayers now.
(B) verb adverb
*(C) Adverb*
(D) adjective
Q 8. Why are you playing here?
(B) interjection
*(C) adverb*
(D) pronoun
Q 9. If you come, I will help you.
(A) verB
(B) pronoun
(C) article
*(D) conjunction*
Q 10. My mother is cooking rice for me.(A)pronoun
*(B) adverb*
(C) noun
Q 11.He is the boy who scored a fifty.
*(A) pronoun*
(C) verb
(D) noun
Q 12. Wow! His brother is back aftsr three years. (A) verb
Q13.Choose the correct meaning of the given word
(B) Amount
(C) Grow
*(D) Fail*
Q 14. Strong
(A) Weak
(B) Poor
(C) Normal
( *D Powerful,*
Q 15. Script
(B) drawing
(C) right
(D) series
Q 16. Reside
(A) side by side
*(B) live*
(C) long
(D) roadside
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