The course on Public Administration/Management has following objectives:
1. Understand the concept of public administration/ management/organization
2. Understand the evolution of the concept of public administration and its importance
3. Understand the role of government
4. Understand the role and core functions of public manager
5. Understand the structure of government /organizations
6. Create understanding about the skills required by the public manager in imparting dutics
7. Understand the changing role of govermment and role of public managers.
Importanceof Course: The course on public administration/management is important as every citizen must understand the functioning of government. Besides, whether one works in private or public organization, or one is doing ones own business or whatever the profession, this course is useful as it helps understand organizations and their functioning. It also helps us understand the environment in which we are working.
Introduction: definitions, concepts & setting.
At the end of lecture the students should be able to understanding
• The meaning of PA
• The practice of public administration (PA)
• Public administration as a subject of study
• Definition of Public administration
• Public administration, democracy and rights of citizens
The Meaning
The word 'administration' has been derived from Latin words 'ad' = to and 'ministiare' = serve and "Public =people or ciizens
Thus the word administration means to execute the policy of government to serve public.
Management is also defined as Cooperative human endeavour to achieve given goals. Traditionally management is also defined as Management = POSDCORB which stands for Planning, Organizing. Staffing, Dirccting, Coordination, Reporting, Budgeting.
In general administration and management are used interchangeably.
Public Administration
A public administration as a practice is as old as the human civilization. When human beings started living in society in an organized way they started the practice of administration, because they started to live cooperatively in society. It is said that when a man tried to left a stone and was unable to do so alone and was helped by another man, the practice of 'management/administration began.
At the end of the lecture the students will be able to understand the following:-
1. concept of power and politics
2. types of power and conflict
3. the importance of power in organization The main contributors of power and politics school are:-
Harold Laswell
Robert Dhal
Antony Jay (reintroduced Machiavell's concept of power)
This school attempts to understand the concept of power in organization. It defines power as personal characteristics by which one person can influence or dominate another person. In organizations, power is the ability of one person or department, to influence other people or departments, in order to bring about the desired results. Without power, organizations will not be able to achieve their goals, because managers exert influence to force people to do things that they want. Another element in organization is politics.
Politics is about controlling resources (material, human, financial, information etc.). It is also about distribution of resources. Who gets what, how, when and where (Harold Laswell 1936). Politics is often understood as undesirable, because it is percecived as "maneuvering" and manipulation" by people.
Power is synonymously defined with authority. Authority comes with the job that one is holding, and power and authority are perceived as one, although power subsumes authority. "Power and Politics School" views authority as only one of the available sources of organizational power.
It may be mentioned that power is aimed at in all directions in the organizations, i.c. the top managements power would be felt from top to bottom sideway as well. It can be understood as the presence of an individual being felt.
Introduction To Public Administration-MGT111
Legitimate Power
is the authority given by the organization to the formal management position a manager holds. For example: Power of DCÓ, Nazim, and Policeperson. These personnel have power because they hold certain position.
Reward / Punish Power
The power which stems from the ability to bestow rewards which include benefits like food allowance, overtime cash allowance and other fringe benefits. Example: Adults can reward or punish children; managers give cash awards to their sub-ordinates for good performance.
Expert Power
It is the power possessed by an individual based on experience, or some skills and ability. Example: computer expert, specialist doctor.
Referent Power
Organizations are always finding ways of using the effective and suitable way of utilizing the experience and knowledge of reputable managers as far as employee referrals are concerned.
Conflict is a natural outcome of the close interaction of people. It is defined as difference, disagreement and dissension. When there is disagreement and dissension people will have a view point and suggestion that is different. In order to have their views prevail people will try to find means by which give and take will occur.
At the end of the lecture the students will be able:
To know the history of public administration during British period.
The 1857 war of Independence is a turning point in the history of subcontinent from many perspectives. From the perspective of public administration it can be said that events that led to 1857 war of Ä°ndependence were that the British had tried to divide the two religions of the sub-continent. But it is also said that British had become laxed in administration and they did not expect the locals to rise up-against them. When the war erupted and spread, it was realized that things should not be left to the company to be managed. Therefore, the government in London stepped in to rule directly.
In 1858 a constitutional document "Government of India Act 1858" was passed by the British Parliament. Now the Secretary of State was to exercise powers previously given to the Company. These powers were to suppress all local up rising and use force against any up rising.
A Council of 15 members was created under the Act. It was to conduct all business relating to Government of India in UK.
At the end of the lecture the students will be able to understand:
1. The concept of civil service
2. The structure of civil service in Pakistan at the time of independence.
What is Civil Service?
Civil service has he defined in the Civil Servant Act 1973. But this word also has general meaning as well, which are that civil means "public" and public are the citizens of a country. By this connotation it means that civil servants are a group of people who serve public and in that sense civil service is different from military service.
Words like Public, Civil, and Government are used interchangeably. Officers and officials working in government organization are all public servants because they draw their salaries from public exchequer.
Recruitment of Public Servants:
The recruitment of civil servants takes place by the following two methods:
1. Public Service Commissions (Federal & Provincial) are constitutionally Grade 15 and above
2. The autonomous organization recruit people directly (test & interview by the organization)
At the end of lecture the students will be able to understand:
1. The need for reforms in civil service
2. Understand the structure of civil service and the need for training in civil service.
Reforms of the Civil Service.
Soon after the independence, the government decided to review the system of administration and some foreign experts were invited to study and make recommendation in this connection. The famous among those expert reports were the two Reports on administrative reforms. These were:
At the end of the lecture the students will be able to understand the:
1. The constitutional provisions relating to the government structure
2. Preamble of the Constitution (1973) of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
3. Territories of the State of Pakistan
4. Constitutional bodies of decisions making
The Constitutional Framework of Government of Pakistan.
Overview of 1973 Constitution
We will start with the Preamble of the Constitution. A Preamble is the Preface' or 'introduction which tells us the main focus of the document. According to the Preamble the entire control of universe belongs to Allah. The constitution reads as follows:
"Whereas Sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Allah alone, and the authority to be exercised by the people of Pakistan within limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust;..
" The Republic of Pakistan.
The Constitution explains Republic as:
"Pakistan shall be a Federal Republic to be known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan." Federal Republic means that the country has provinces and these together constitute the federation. Besides we call ourselves Islamic Republic, because we are ideological state, as the basis of independence of this country was Islam.
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